Monday, October 26, 2009

U2 Series at GCC

Check out GCC's website for more information on the series. Also, what do you think of the poster design? Please leave comments...we love 'em.

What the heck, ARTery?

Oh snap. I'm in trouble. Life got a hold of me and made me not post here! For that, dear friends, I do apologize. In the mean time, here are some links from around the web to get your creative juices flowing:

The Bright Side Project (they give away stuff for FREE!)

Creative Overflow (I just discovered it and I like it, so far. Lots of useful stuff.)

Recession Recipes (they have a feature that lets you search recipes by price per serving!)

And a whole bunch of PhotoShop tutorials here

Be good. Have fun and I will be back soon. Promise :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Kittens will get your attention

The only thing that would get more attention would be free cookies....but kittens will work in a pinch.

Summer is almost over and we've made some changes

Yup. It has been WAY too long since the last post over here. That will change, friends. As you may have noticed, our profile has changed. And, hopefully, this will create or generate more activity on this here blog. So please, contact us if you have something you want to share, say a tutorial or some photos of your recent work. We love that stuff.

For now here are a few of my favorites from the web:

All about spring clamp love at Photojojo (seriously I L-O-V-E this site)

ArtPrize in Grand Rapids....go check it out! Yours truly is collaborating with other artists :)

Make a confetti gun with the folks from Instructables

And a surprise one just for fun

Enjoy the day!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Summer's here and we have been busy

We'll be back to regular posting in between visits to the beach :)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

A quote on creativity

"There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly." Buckminster Fuller

Some tutorials to keep you busy and off the streets

Here is a list of things that I would like to make and thought that you, dear reader, would like to make them, too:

cardboard stampede at design*sponge

photos using tilt shift maker

eraser stamps

scratch foam prints go have some fun!